York Paddle Tennis and Pickleball Club

Mailing Address

PO Box 241, York Harbor, ME 03911-0241

Facility GPS Location

28 Mill Lane, York, Maine: Google Map Directions

Our club is just off of Route 91 about a quarter mile down Mill Lane (old Brixham Cafe intersection). The intersection of Route 91 and Mill Lane is 4.4 miles west of Route 1 coming from York. The intersection of Route 91 and Mill Lane is 3.8 miles east of Route 236 if you are coming from South Berwick. It is quite easy to see our courts from that intersection.

Club Contacts

General Club Inquiries: yorkpaddletennisclub@gmail.com

Paddle Tennis: YPPCpaddle@gmail.com

Pickleball: YPPCpickleball@gmail.com

Membership Dues: YPPCtreasurer@gmail.com


Interested in becoming a member? Visit our membership page:

Newsletter Sign Up

Join our email list to receive news and club announcements.

Court Reservations

Questions? Problems? Email us with your questions:

Court Maintenance

Have any questions or concerns about court or club maintenance?

Pay Guest Fees

Guests of current members are welcomed! Members, please pay via Venmo, Paypal, or put cash/checks in the white collection box at the courts.

Pay via Venmo: @York-PaddleandPickle or Pay with Paypal: